Saturday, March 28, 2020

University of Utah Tutoring Center Offers Quality Services

University of Utah Tutoring Center Offers Quality ServicesIf you are a college student in Utah, you can be sure that you will need the help of a University of Utah tutoring center. It is a place where you can get quality help at an affordable price.It is no surprise that many students throughout the world are choosing to study at universities and colleges in Utah. For students who want to learn more about life and how to make it the best, a university of Utah tutoring center is what they are looking for. To find out more about what the center has to offer, read this article.The University of Utah tutoring center in Utah offers a wide variety of services to its students. Many students choose to take up a degree in different subjects including English, Psychology, Counseling, Math, Social Work, Biology, Chemistry, and more. To select a particular degree, students will have to enroll in classes. These courses can be from distance learning programs or traditional programs.Distance learni ng courses are offered by the center, as well as traditional programs. The classes you take through distance learning programs are generally very short, often only one or two days long. It helps to think of the distance learning programs as online classes.The course material is also organized according to the type of student that takes them. Depending on their schedule, students will take a different course each day. The center offers both online and traditional classes to its students. Distance learning programs are offered at different levels.An online class can be taken by an adult, a student in high school, or even a high school student. If you enroll in a distance learning program, you do not have to worry about taking tests. The class materials are typically made available on the Internet in PDF format. You may download the material and study it on your own time, as long as you remember to turn off your computer when you are done.Whether you want to take online classes or if y ou need regular classes at a university of Utah tutoring center, you will find exactly what you need to study. Students in Utah can be assured that they will receive quality tutoring and advice when they need it. That is why many students in Utah are attracted to a university of Utah tutoring center.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Tips for Choosing a Foreign Language in College

5 Tips for Choosing a Foreign Language in College Tips from an Irvine Foreign Language Tutor: 5 Tips for Choosing a Foreign Language in College Tips from an Irvine Foreign Language Tutor: 5 Tips for Choosing a Foreign Language in College The majority of students will have to take a year of foreign language in college, but some students are unsure which language to take.  Many students studying at a US university forget their foreign language skills relatively quickly. Whether this is because of the way they are taught or the fact that American students dont really have a chance to use their foreign language skills as much as people in geographically smaller countries, is contrary to the fact that each student should be strategic when making their foreign language credit decision. Students can choose to take a class in a language that they feel they will actually learn and be able to use in business or travel, or they can choose a course they can achieve a good grade in. 1. Do you speak a second language already? Some students already speak two or more languages by the time theyre in college. They may have been paying extra close attention when taking their high school courses, they may come from a family background that spoke multiple languages within the home, or they may simply have a knack for languages.  Either way, a strategic way to get an A in a foreign language course is to take the course in a language youre already well versed in.  If you aced French in high school, and got a 5 on your AP French exam, why not continue to perfect your fluency at the college level while earning an excellent grade? Alternately, students who speak Japanese because that is how they generally converse with extended family will likely do very well in a college level Japanese course (READ: 5 Tips When Making a Final Decision About College). 2. Do you plan on traveling internationally on a regular basis? Students who are thinking about doing a lot of traveling after college should consider where they might like to spend the majority of their time.  For example, students who plan to spend a year traveling South America would probably benefit from classes in Spanish or Portuguese. On the other hand, students who are thinking about spending a good amount of time in Northwestern Europe may wish to look into French or German. It’s much easier to be a world traveler if you speak more than one language. 3. Do you plan to work for a large corporation with offices all over the world? Some students have aspirations to work for a large corporation that may eventually move them to a variety of different offices. Although most American employees will probably be somewhere within the large geography of the United States, there may also be offices in Tokyo, Paris, Berlin, Geneva and so on. Students who have specific corporations in mind are encouraged to do some research or talk with a current manager to find out if foreign language skills might help them get hired (READ: 5 Campus Resources You Shouldnt Miss). 4. Do you find that you have a knack for languages? Some people simply have a knack for languages, meaning they can pick up on the intricacies of foreign language skills more easily than most people. Students who are naturally gifted with languages should consider taking more than one language in college and using the third language as one of their elective credits. This may sound crazy to students who struggle with languages, but might be a great idea for their peers. Students who want to pick up a second and third language while in college may consider sticking to one category of languages, either the Germanic languages or the Romance languages for example, as they tend to be similar and follow the same basic grammar rules and sentence structure (READ: 5 Ways to Make New Friends as a Transfer Student). Once youve decided on a foreign language, dont hesitate to book a private Irvine foreign language tutor! Call us today for details. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Conflicts in Tutoring

Conflicts in Tutoring Tutoring is to work with people. Not always do your students and their parents have the same scale of values as yours, they may have a different life experience, maybe other family traditions. Therefore, there is no insurance against the conflicts, even for   the most experienced tutors. But in most cases, conflicts can be avoided. The main advice for tutors: always listen carefully to parents and future students in the 1st phone call, or when you meet personally for the first time. If the objectives are hard to  accomplish    try to explain why. A good grade at school, unfortunately, depends not only on your experience and professionalism, but also on other factors. For example, during the interview you were informed that your potential disciple is very talented but lazy. This is an occasion to reflect . Will you be able to turn one pathological lazybones into a workaholic in a couple of months? After all, by hiring you, parents hope that you will be able to do in a few months what they could not in 10-15 years. Of course, the tutor should try to reach out to every student. Though sometimes it may not work. Actually, there are pathologically lazy kids, and believe me, it is better to refuse one time the work with such a student than to hear later that you took the money   but you were not able to teach them anything. It is important to determine the cause of the backlog. Often, the student or a parent names the cause which is of secondary importance: student was sick for too many days,   “just” missed 4 lessons, the school teacher explained in a incomprehensible way. During the tutoring it turns out that there are other reasons. For example, laziness (most common) or computer addiction. It is very sad, but access to the Internet for an immature childs mind is indeed a serious problem. An incorrect evaluation of students background knowledge can lead to a conflict situation with parents. Quite often it happens that the student presents really high grades in some subject, earned not because of his knowledge. Like, for example, if a student is good at sports â€" teachers will support and cheer him with high grades.  It is recommended to conduct a testing during the first interview in the presence of parents. So both sides will have a clear understanding of the knowledge  level of the student. Another tip: always keep records during the interview capture correct and incorrect answers. This will help in the future to track students progress. And finally keep the distance. Stay in the official status of a tutor and do not become just another family friend in the 1st month. It will save your nerves and reduce the percentage of conflicts.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Ultimate FluentU Review See What Real FluentU Users Have to Say

The Ultimate FluentU Review See What Real FluentU Users Have to Say The Ultimate FluentU Review: See What Real FluentU Users Have to Say Do you wish you could understand all your favorite K-pop groups lyrics?Maybe youd like to watch Netflixs Dark in its original German without English subtitles.Or you want to impress  the swoon-worthy French guy you swiped right on yesterday with your language skills.FluentU can help you attain all these goals.How?FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.But does it really work?In just a minute, youll have a chance to read FluentU reviews from real users and popular language gurus to see how our language learning software  keeps you addicted to language learning and, ultimately, leads you to true fluency.Before we get into the reviews, heres a quick look at what FluentU is all about. FluentU in Review: What Are FluentUs Main Features?Heres a quick overview of what you can expect from your FluentU subscription:FluentU offers a constantly growing collection of real-world v ideos, including various clips, movies, music and more.All videos are authentic, making them great resources for full, at-home immersion in your target language. Watching authentic videos comes with an abundance of perks! Youll get attuned to native accents, so youll actually be able to understand locals when they talk to you.Not only will you be able to understand nativesâ€"they should be able to understand you! Learning with authentic materials will make it easier for you to pick up a more native accent from the get-go. Plus, youll pick up local slang and idioms that will impress natives when you whip them out in conversation.Each video features subtitles in your target language and English. The subtitles are annotatedâ€"hover over any word to see its definition, part of speech, example sentences and an associated image. When you pair these annotated subtitles with native audio, memorizing vocab becomes easy!Quiz Mode: After you watch a video, click Quiz. Quiz Mode will take you t hrough interactive flashcards and fun exercises to review vocabulary from the video. If a question is too easy, just click Already know, and FluentU wont quiz you over that vocab again. If a question is so difficult that you cant even venture a guess, click Dont know. This way, FluentU will know that you need to review this material in the future.When you answer a quiz question correctly, youll hear a ding and see how many points youve earned for that question.Every users experience is 100% personalized. FluentU tracks your learning level and habits, and you have a certain amount of control over what you watch/learn.Use FluentUs advanced search engine to find exactly what you want to watch. Search adjectives or pronouns to see videos about grammar, or Paris to sort through videos about life in the City of Love.You can choose from course playlists. For example, if you choose to learn from the intermediate Chinese course playlist Taking a Taxi, youll watch five videos and be quizzed o ver them: Ordering a Taxi by Phone, A Taxi to the Airport, Two Places on the Docket, Late Night Taxi Fares and Talking with a Cabbie.How much time do you want to spend learning with FluentU per day? Set a personal goal, ranging from one to 30 minutes. Whenever you reach your goal, you earn points. FluentU tracks how many days in a row youve reached your personal goal, and for each day, you earn even more points. When you earn so many points, youre ready to move up to the next level!Rate FluentU content! When youve finished a video and quiz, you can choose to click rate this content to leave one to five stars. Then type any comments you have. If you think the video is fantastic and youd like to see similar videos, let FluentU know. If that video had any issues, alert our team so we can resolve them ASAP.For certain videos, you can download transcripts as PDFs. With these PDFs, you can read through the transcripts of videos when youre offline to boost your reading comprehension skills .FluentU consistently adds new videos and corresponding quizzes to each languages video library. This means youll never run out of language learning material!FluentU currently offers nine languages: Mandarin Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. (And Portuguese is in the works!) Just one FluentU account grants you access to all nine languages, which is a great feature for those working to become multilingual. Some language learning programs require you to pay separately for each language or download individual apps for each language.If your native language is Korean or Japanese, youre in luck! FluentU has a translated platform that allows you to see everything on the site in your native language while youre learning English.FluentU works for every level of language learner. When you set up your account, you can choose from Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced. When browsing videos, filter by six levels: Beginner 1 and 2, Intermediate 1 and 2 and Advanced 1 and 2.You can access FluentU on multiple devices. Access the full video library on your web browser or, better yet, learn on the go when you download the FluentU app at the iTunes store or Google Play store.Youll gain full access to FluentUs features with a free trial, so feel free to take it for a spin.The Ultimate FluentU Review: See What Real FluentU Users Have to SayTestimonials: FluentU Reviews by Real UsersEvery language learner is different and prefers certain things from a language program. Heres what real FluentU users have to say about how FluentU fits their needs:I started using Fluentu having only a beginners knowledge of Spanish. After one evening with this app, I felt I learned more than Duolingo and Rosetta Stone combined. They seemed to take up so much of my time with no real progress. Now I can form whole sentences instead of just identifying fruit!  â€" Chantal ThiessenI love that you see the definition of every word and hear how a native speaker pr onounces it in context. It is just as important to know which words to emphasize in a sentence as it is to know the pronunciation of the words themselves, but this information cannot necessarily be ascertained just by looking at the sentence on paper; you have to listen to somebody speak in a natural setting and FluentU gives you that opportunity.  â€" John HempelIts the program Ive always wanted, because when I try to watch Spanish clips on Youtube a lot of the time the subtitles are wrong. Even if theyre right, I always have to have Google Translate open at the same time anyways and look things up when I dont know them (which is unfortunately still quite a lot). I love that the subtitles are all right there with correct definitions and other examples. Better than Rosetta Stone for getting the language down and miles cheaper. Love it!!  â€" Lisa NicholsonIm not only a perpetual language learner, but a teacher myself. And out of all the language methods Ive come across, the rest sco re from 0 to 3. This is the 10.It has literally defined a new path for the self-taught.Where once we had to struggle with simultaneous dictionaries and poorly translated materials mostly without subtitles, now we glide across real-life content where one can see the hand of the teachers behind each and every word.I particularly love the fact that I can endlessly click on any word or expression to whatever depth I wish, until my curiosity is satisfied at any point while watching the videos.The quiz algorithm is not only smart in terms of taking note of our weak points, but also has countless examples in different contexts so we are guaranteed to understand the concept explained.The amount of material is staggering. And all conveniently connected in terms of concepts to learn.Duolingo is like a low resolution black and white, blurred shadow of FluentU.Congratulations, keep it up. Its most definitely worth the investment.Before FluentU I had to force myself to study. Now, Im actually lo oking forward to it, like my fun time in the morning. Its addictive :)â€" Hikarus Guijarro-FayardI love FluentU because I can listen and learn dialogue from real advertisements that are aired in China! Also, in the role play series showing conversations between native speakers, the dialogue feels more authentic and contemporary compared to the often dry, boring dialogues found in textbooks. Using FluentU has given me more confidence and is helping me to understand Chinese in real-life everyday settings!  â€" Kiandra SquiresOf all the available programs and various learning material I have tried in the past, including Duolingo, I have found FluentU to be among the most effective methods for learning. I began using FluentU as [an] auxiliary tool for better improving my comprehension in the language but have later come to find the program to be effective as an all around learning mechanism. I have found it to be incredibly effective for improving vocabulary, understanding colloquialism s and idioms within various countries, as well as intense practice in common speech.â€" Anthony J. LopezI am enjoying FluentU. I have been using this site for a couple weeks and I have definitely noticed a huge improvement in my vocabulary. I love that it uses a lot of relevant clips like Norman fait des videos to practice REAL French, and it is presented in such a fun way that it makes it easy to practice. Using this site has become part of my daily routine.â€" Rachel HollarsExpert Evaluations: FluentU Reviews by Language ProsWhat about the language gurus? What do the experts have to say about FluentU?Eurolinguiste  A Review of FluentUs Mobile AppEurolinguistes Shannon Kennedy works for Fluent in 3 Months  and Drops, two killer language-learning companies. Shes also proficient in 12 languages Wowza!Shannon is an early adopter of FluentUâ€"shes been using it since we only had a Mandarin Chinese program.Once we expanded to more devices (FluentU is now available on iOS and Android) s he participated in our mobile app beta testing and never stopped using our platform to improve her impressive repertoire of language skills.Her in-depth FluentU review, linked above, focuses heavily on the mobile app during her beta test experience. Her favorite part? FluentUs emphasis on accent marks and tones in our quizzes!Spanish Hackers FluentU Review: The Good and The BadAnthony and Jesse created Spanish Hackers to give readers two perspectives on learning Spanish: one from a man whos already become fluent and one from a man whos just starting his Spanish-learning journey.Anthony explains how FluentU helped him overcome a common language-learning pitfallâ€"he was dedicating a lot of time to studying, but he still wasnt getting the results he wanted. He liked that he could watch short clips rather than entire movies or TV shows, so he was able move at a relatively fast pace. This kept him from burning out, and as a result, he started making noticeable strides.Jesse also create d a video version of the FluentU review. In this video, he addresses the question everyone thinks about when they sign up for a new program: Is this going to be worth it?French Together  FluentU Review: Learn French with VideosBenjamin Huoy of French Together is a Frenchman who immerses himself in other languages and teaches foreigners the French language.In his review, Ben explains the pros of FluentU (his favorite being the cultural experience) and the parts hes less crazy about. An added bonus: He lists additional resources that complement FluentU, such as language partners, reading material and writing exercises.You can also watch his FluentU French review to get another walkthrough of the platform (albeit a four-year-old walkthrough).Lindsay Does Languages  FluentU Review: How to Use YouTube Videos for Language LearningLindsay has taught languages in brick-and-mortar schools, via Skype and over the internet. Itll be hard to find anyone more enthusiastic about languages!Lindsa y loves that FluentU meets you where you are in your language journey. You can choose your desired level and even mark which words you already know or need more help with. She thinks this keeps users motivated because intermediate or advanced learners dont have to work their way through super simple material.She interviews FluentUs creator, Alan, asking him questions about how he came up with the idea of FluentU and for tips for language learners. Lindsay also offers a one-month FluentU language learning calendar!Hacking Chinese  Review: FluentU ChineseHacking Chinese covers everything you could possibly want to know about learning Chinese, from improving specific skills to organizing your study routine to getting in the right mindset.In this review, Olle Linge (the websites founder) explains what makes FluentU useful in general, but he hones in on the benefits for a Chinese learner in particularâ€"like the ability to choose between traditional and simplified Chinese subtitles, and the option to turn pinyin subtitles on and off.For more of an up-close-and-personal tour, Olle has his own video walkthrough of the Chinese platform:NihongoShark  FluentU Japanese App Site ReviewNihongoShark is the passion project of two married couples emphasis on the word passion. You can sense just how much its creators care about the Japanese language and culture, as well as teaching it to others.This review is a little more specific than some: Niko (NihongoSharks founder) focuses just on the FluentU app, not the website, and how you can use the app to learn Japanese specifically. He likes that FluentU teaches both romaji and kanji! He also talks about the FluentU video database, flashcards and multimedia tactics.Languages Are Easy  Is FluentU Free? â€" No, But Definitely Worth It. Check This Out!Roope Kiuttu, the founder of Languages Are Easy, is obviously a master of learning languages. How can we tell? His native language is Finnish, but his entire website is written in f lawless English! He also speaks German, French and Spanish.This review covers a wide range of topics, including the programs pricing, languages, app, pros and cons. He loves that its easy to find videos that match your current learning levelâ€"a feature thats lacking on similar language programs and YouTube.Roope lists how many videos were available for each language at the time of writing this post, but keep in mind that more videos are always being added.You can also get a sampling of what the platform is like from this video review:I Will Teach You a Language  FluentU Review: Language Learning with VideoOlly Richards of I Will Teach You a Language focuses on teaching languages through stories. So it only makes sense that he loves FluentU!This FluentU review walks you through the main features of the program, gives tips for maximizing your experience and evaluates the program overall.Olly loves that FluentU teaches languages through commercials, interviews and music videos. These authentic resources all include elements of storytelling. He also praises FluentU for preparing users for real-life scenarios in their target language.Smart Language Learner  FluentU Review: Learn a Language Through VideosYes, Noel van Vliet started Smart Language Learner to teach people languages. But he also created the website to inspire people to start learning languagesâ€"and to keep studying when the going gets rough!This thorough review gives a clear picture of FluentUs strongest features, plus perspective on who may get the most out of FluentU and why. Noel praises FluentUs approach to spaced repetition, which helps learners memorize vocab and concepts.Smart Language Learner has also written up a comparison of FluentU and Yabla. In online conversations about language learning, youll often see that FluentU and Yabla are compared. After all, they both let you learn languages through videos! This comparison walks you through the features of each program and compares them. You can also read their complete review of Yabla  if youre unfamiliarâ€"and youll see why FluentU might be a better fit for you.Youve explored FluentUs features. Youve read what both the users and professionals have to say about the language learning software.So, what do you think?Do authentic videos, annotated subtitles and interactive quizzes seem like a fun way to learn your next language?Then youve got to take FluentU for a spin.  Claim your free trial today, and see if its the right language learning tool for you!If you have any questions or comments for us, or if youd like to post your very own FluentU review for all the world to see, visit us on  Facebook or  Twitter any time.

6 Essential Habits for a Successful Student

6 Essential Habits for a Successful Student 6 Essential Habits for a Successful StudentWhat separates an average student from a successful student? More times than not there is no considerable difference in the intelligence of students, but rather the routine and habits of the students. This outline will provide you with successful habits that you can apply to your everyday academic routine. There is always room for improvement! 1. Successful students SET GOALS! Goals are a great way for students to stay on track, while also keeping them honest. When you set concrete goals for yourself, it’s easier to become motivated and measure your success in those goals. If you don’t have goals in sight, you have nothing to achieve or strive for in your courses. Make sure the goals are realistic! Although it’s okay to challenge yourself, you shouldn’t set yourself up for failure, either. Remember, it’s always a good idea to set higher goals once you’ve achieved your first set. 2. Successful students are WELL-RESTED This step can’t be stressed enough! If you’re awake and alert, you’re certainly more likely to absorb information given in class, during study sessions and in-class activities and participation. Make it a habit to get 6-8 hours of undisturbed rest at night. 3. Successful students TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES In addition to attending class, a successful student makes it a habit to learn the many ways outside the classroom they can supplement their academics. There are a variety of resources available to aid students in thriving and achieving in class. There are a variety of resources available to aid students in thriving and achieving in class; Teacher Assistants, teacher office hours, and study review sessions are a few widely available resources a student should utilize to implement into their routine. Ask questions! You're in school to learn, so don't be afraid to do just that! 4. Most Successful students have STUDY BUDDIES Collaborating with other students is a great way to learn. Try finding like-minded, success-hungry students like yourself, in your classes. This can also help expand your social group and you’re more likely to stay focused on the school work. Students who form study groups with one another can often learn more through learning by teaching. When students explain concepts to one another, they are more likely to learn and absorb the information. Additionally, students that need clarification on difficult subject areas can ask peers to be able to better understand the course materials. 5. Successful students NEVER PROCRASTINATE!! Along with great time management skills, successful students never wait until the last minute to study, do homework, or any other task. No one works well under pressure. If you put off your work until the day (or worse, the night) before it’s due, you’ll have to work in an incredible rush and under crazy pressure. The best way to avoid procrastination is to develop a weekly schedule detailing what you plan to accomplish for that week. This will also help you stay on track! 6. Successful students are CONSISTENT! Last but surely not least, consistency. All the above tips would be useless if they aren’t followed regularly. Success isn’t achieved by what you do, but how often you do it. Consistency is the “glue” that holds everything together!

The Best Town for Organic Chemistry Tutors

The Best Town for Organic Chemistry TutorsNorthern Virginia is a perfect location for a chemistry tutor to help students with their homework. The region of Charlottesville is surrounded by the mountains of Albemarle County and the Chesapeake Bay. All of these places contribute to a wide range of chemical activity that makes up an area of great natural diversity and rich history.In Northern Virginia, some of the best communities are near the Greenbrier National Park, which is famous for its year-round climate. This environment is perfect for the study of organic chemistry because it has a variety of plants and animals that give rise to organic compounds.The Georgetown University is located in the nation's capital. It is also the birthplace of Thomas Jefferson. The University has many faculty members that have expertise in organic chemistry, and a good organic chemistry tutor will help students to earn their Bachelor's degree in this field.In Northern Virginia, the Calvert Hills provid es the ideal climate for studying organic chemistry. These hills are mostly made up of mica, and this is the main reason that attracts organic chemists. The Calvert Hills is really alive with biodiversity, and the level of organic compounds found in this region are quite high.Besides the Calvert Hills, the Shenandoah Valley has many other places that are very good for organic chemistry study. It is known for its clay soils, and the extreme heat and cold of the climate make the soil suitable for organic chemistry study. The atmosphere is also conducive to the study of organic chemistry because it is the home of Mount Vernon.There are several towns in Virginia that attract a large number of students from all over the world. Dannemora is one of the places that make up the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. Northern Virginia organic chemistry tutor would be able to help students learn about the ecology of the swamp, and the different species that live in the area.Students inte rested in attending Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University should visit campus. It is the birthplace of Louis Pasteur and Virginia Tech was founded by James Madison. As these educational institutions are the major sources of education for many students, organic chemistry tutors would be helpful in helping students to learn more about the local natural environment and the history of science.

Teaching: A Career Field

Teaching: A Career FieldThe career of a teacher has been updated and is more demanding than it has ever been. In the past, teachers were only expected to be good at one or two subjects and focus on them, but today their role has expanded into a multitude of other areas including math tutoring, special education tutoring, social studies tutoring, ESL tutoring, geography tutoring, language tutoring, school administration tutoring, technology tutoring, college admissions tutoring, paralegal tutoring, state-based law tutoring, adult education tutoring, home school tutoring, the list goes on.To become a teacher, you need to be certified and fully accredited to do so. You must have the right kinds of qualifications as well as have proper experience in the required subjects, or at least have a high school diploma in the subject that you wish to teach. Whether you choose to stay in a private school or in a public school, you will require the same form of certification.However, the job market has improved for the K-12 level. This means that there are more jobs for teachers than ever before. This is because there are now more students in the K-12 level than there were in the past, and the school system has been making more efforts to have a better curriculum.Teacher salaries have been steadily increasing in recent years due to the growth in the teaching force. You will find yourself with an increased salary as long as you have the right skills for the job.In addition to the education you may have received and the degree, you may need to have a certain amount of experience before you can get hired. There are lots of teachers that make a living off of being certified and there are also plenty of openings. It is therefore crucial that you work hard and always try to up your game.You will find many teachers who have gained a lot of experience because they are often hired by private schools or by the school district to provide extra assistance to the teachers in the classroom . These teachers are often very happy to learn about any new developments that will be brought to their classrooms and to be taught by a teacher who has good and solid recommendations.In conclusion, you need to look at the career field of teacher as a type of career field. In this case, you need to be willing to go and get certified and seek out additional education in whatever area you wish to specialize in.

Easy Guitar Songs Learn to Play Like David Bowie

Easy Guitar Songs Learn to Play Like David Bowie Maile Proctor The best way to celebrate the life of music legend David Bowie is to remember his impact and play his songs. Here, guitar instructor Matt K. teaches you  to play five easy guitar songs that Bowie made famous...   The recent passing of rock n roll icon David Bowie  sent a shockwave through the world. Bowie’s music and message meant so much to so many people. He had the talent to remain relevant within the entertainment industry since his big break with Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars in 1972. He created 27 full-length albums, appeared in over 20 films and television series, and was a part of countless collaborations. He also wrote the famous “All the Young Dudes” for Mott The Hoople, just because he liked the band and they needed a hit to prevent them from breaking up. From Life On Mars to Lazarus, his music is a major reason why many, including myself, picked up an instrument and began to play. You can find the rest of the tab here. Ziggy Stardust Ziggy Stardust was David Bowies alter ego that catapulted him to success in 1972. This was when the American public was first truly introduced to David Bowie. G x D Cadd9 G Am E|3-x-2-3-2-3-22|| B|3-x-3333|333333-| G|0-x-22|00-00| D|0-x-0|| A|2-x|332200| E|3-x|| Get the full Ziggy Stardust tab here. “Rebel Rebel” 1974 Next, on our list of easy guitar songs, we have one of the most recognized guitar riffs in the history of rock n roll. Like “Ziggy Stardust, the following riff drives the entire song. E|-0|-| B|-532-0.-|00-2p0| G|-(2)2-1.-|11| D|-02.-|2-2-| A||-| E||-| P = pull off Rebel Rebel tab from Ultimate Guitar. Fame â€" 1975 Fame was a popular song that was released at the height of Bowies popularity. He was an established rock star with several hits under his belt. This song was co-written by John Lennon. He also provided backing vocals. E||| B|9b-|| G|8b8-8-7-s8|-87-8-7-8-7-s8| D|-7-7-6-s7|-76-7-6-7-6-s7| A||| E||| b =bend up s = slide Here is a great video  that explains the song. Heros 1977 Heros is the outlier on this easy guitar songs list. It doesnt feature a signature riff like the previous four. The emotion belted out at the end of the song makes the song Bowie’s most inspirational. Here are the chords and lyrics: D G I I wish you could swim D G Like the dolphins like dolphins can swim C D Though nothing nothing will keep us together Am Em D We can beat them forever and ever C G D Oh we can be Heroes just for one day You can find the rest of the chords here: If that is too much, try the bass line.: G|-| D|-| A|-5-55-52-0-2-0| E|55-7-555-7-5333-3333-3| There was  one song I left out from this list of easy guitar songs, Space Oddity, because it has a few techniques that may be new for beginners. If you want to learn how to play the David Bowie hit, check out thisSpace Oddity video tutorial. David Bowies memory will live on forever through his music. Celebrate  his life and learn to play his songs!   Post Author:  Matt K. Matthew K. teaches guitar, piano, and music theory lessons in Brooklyn, NY. He studied music composition at Mercyhurst University, and he has been teaching lessons for four years. Matthew is available to teach in-person lessons as well as online via Skype. Learn more about Matthew here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Interest Rate Equation - Online Tutoring - Maths Online Tutors

Interest Rate Equation - Online Tutoring - Maths Online Tutors The rate of simple interest on an amount is calculated using the following interest rate equation, I = (P * R * T ) / 100Where R is the rate of interest, P is the principal amount, T is the time period of interest in years and I is the interest. Example 1: Find the rate of simple interest for the principal amount of $ 500, time period of 1 year, interest of $ 50. Solution: Here we are given, Principal amount ( P ) = $ 500 Time period (T) = 1 year Interest ( I ) = $ 50 For finding the rate of simple interest we use the interest rate equation, I = (P * R * T ) / 100 Now put the values in the equation, 50 = (500 * R * 1) / 100 50 = 500R/ 100 50 * 100 = (500R / 100) * 100 5000 = 500R 5000/500 = 500R / 500 R = 10 Thus the rate of interest is 10 %. Example 2: John earned $ 20 as interest on $ 200 for 2 years. Find the annual rate of simple interest. Solution: For finding the rate of simple interest we use the interest rate equation. I = (P * R * T ) / 100 We are given I = $ 20, P = $ 200, T = 2 years. 20 = ( 200 * R * 2 ) / 100 20 = 400 R / 100 20 = 4R 20 /4 = 4R/R R = 5 Thus the annual rate of interest is 5%.